Influence: Emotion vs Logic
Join the Christmas Edition of the Big Bold Bite-Size Round Table - Friday 16th December at 14:00 (UK time)
At a time when there are challenges all around us and many teams are feeling disengaged, as leaders what are the tools of influence, we can use?
All the CEO mastermind sessions I’ve ever attended begin with leaders sharing how they feel about home and work. They start with emotions, not logic.
Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio believes we are not thinking creatures who feel, but feeling creatures who think.
Where do you believe the balance lies between emotion and logic and how does this insight affect how you seek to influence those around you?
How do you really get underneath the bonnet of what’s going on?
This round table discussion seeks to explore how one navigates this issue.
Join the Christmas 2022 Bold Bite-Size Round Table to debate with your peers and get the latest insights and research
The session is 30 minutes. Short. Pithy.
Designed so that you leave ready to ACT:
A - Action - specific tangible actions you can use
C - Connect with cross-industry peers facing the same challenges
T- Think - we’ll bring thought-provoking research and insights
The session will not be recorded. To maintain confidentiality, we ask that all conversations are not shared outside this group.
Please RSVP to
We expect to have a waitlist for this event: if you find you cannot make it for any reason, please let us know so that we can allocate the place to someone else.
PS Bonus time will be given to those in the festive spirit :)